On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 05:31:52PM -0500, Evan Prodromou wrote:
> Within our project, if you consider the most effective DDs*, you're
> going to also be thinking of the most reasonable, thoughtful, and
> friendly ones.

No, I'd say that's entirely wrong. The rest of your mail was based on
similarly dumb ideas.

>     AS> I find your suggestion that this is something we should be
>     AS> doing to be fairly offensive, so you've already failed.
> Hey, sure. It's impossible not to offend anyone. But it's always
> possible to deal with people politely and respectfully. How they react
> is their own business.

That attitude was the cause of the Earth-Minbari war. The rest of the
world does not share your notions of "polite" and "respectful", for
all values of "your". I find yours to be pretty much the opposite.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' :  http://www.debian.org/ |
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