On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 09:38:53AM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Matthew Palmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040808 11:10]:
> > From the 2004.04.05 version of the keyring, I count 927 unique people or
> > unknowns (there are several "might be people, might be 'bots'"). Wandering
> > through the name list, I count 122 "might not be male" and 4 "almost
> > certainly female".  That equates to an actual female contingent of somewhere
> > between 0.4% and 13.2%.  Note that the "might not be male" is very, very
> > broad -- basically if I don't know of a male with the same name, or I know
> > of a female with the same or a similar name, it's on the "might not" list.
> Please be aware that it's more or less not possible to go from names
> to reliable stats about gender distribution. For example, Andrea is
> male in Italy but female in Germany.

Which is why I had the "might not be" category.  And yes, all the Andreas
(plural Andrea, not singular Andreas) in the project are in that category.

Like I said, I suddenly wish for a gender field in db.debian.org...

- Matt

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