Michael Poole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I agree with Andrew (and, from what I can tell, most of -legal) that
> license termination for a patent lawsuit unrelated to the licensed
> software is non-free.  I cannot find offhand any license that is quite
> so broad.

I believe that the RPSL's (https://helixcommunity.org/content/rpsl )
clause 11.1 is like this:

11.1 Term and Termination. The term of this License is perpetual unless
terminated as provided below. This License and the rights granted
hereunder will terminate:

(c) automatically without notice from Licensor if You, at any time
during the term of this License, commence an action for patent
infringement against Licensor (including by cross-claim or counter claim
in a lawsuit);

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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