On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 08:53:39PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Thank you for not abusing our secret mailinglist for irrelevant stuff
> like pointing fingers at (cute?) attempts to follow our Social Contract.
> Feel free to quote my parts of this email in public!
> I see nothing secret in any of this email, and thus encourage responses
> to be targeted debian-project instead of this secret list.
Obviously, debian-private contains many messages that have no secret
content.  This message was another example of this fact.  It is wrong
for a person to equate d-private == secret_content.  The fact that we
have rules concerning d-private seems to be the fly in the ointment.
Secrecy is only one rule.  Perhaps we should be talking about the rules
in general.  If a concensus developed about the rules, I think we would
see less bickering on d-private.  I doubt if we could eliminate it all,
because flamage was created in our geek community ;-)


P.S.  I barely keep up with d-private.  So if you want me to see
d-project replies, then CC me because I will not subscribe to this
list too.

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