On Fri, 24 Sep 2004, Adam Heath wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Sep 2004, Christian Hammers wrote:
> > I therefore propose to create a pseudo bug packages for "mail"
> > issues (and/or maybe one for general "admin" topics) like the
> > existing "lists.debian.org" or "www.debian.org".
> That's not how it works.  You can't create a new place for those who
> do work to check for things to do.  That'll just increase their
> load.

In this case, wouldn't making the appropriate admin(s) the owner of
the pseudo package make it so that they wouldn't have to check the bts
pseudo package specifically?

> Get those who would supposedly benefit from this to agree.  However,
> if they prefer the current way of doing things, you can't force it
> down their throat.

Definetly. However, some way of being able to see what requests have
been made of the admins and the status of those requests would be
useful, if only so that people like myself don't bother them
unnecessarily. [I'm sure that people on [EMAIL PROTECTED] *love* being
told about the same problem over and over again. ;-)]

Don Armstrong

"For those who understand, no explanation is necessary.
 For those who do not, none is possible."

http://www.donarmstrong.com http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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