I have mist a lot of stuff - I am reading only debian-boot. ;-)

On Sat, Sep 25, 2004 at 03:58:00AM +0200, siward wrote:
> Anton Zinoviev wrote :
> > I am sure that nobody from Republic of Macedonia will complain
> >   if Debian uses this longer name instead of simply Macedonia.
> I fear that 'nobody' here is an overstatement.

I agree.  The advantage of "Macedonia, Rep. of" is that this variant
makes clear what the constitutional name of this country is.  Only
"Macedonia" can be considered an abreviation of "FYR Macedonia" and
this is not good.

> Also, Anton, as far as I know you are not a Macedonian,
>   and I think that it would be most desirable in itself if
>   this choice could be made by Macedonians themselves,
>   as far as possible.

I am a member of a Macedonian mailing list so I can tell you what the
macedonians wrote. (http://hedona.on.net.mk/mailman/listinfo/ossm-members)

At first they do not want to make flames with history, politics, etc -
this would be counterproductive.  That is why they don't take part in
these discussions.

Yes, they prefer "Macedonia" to "Macedonia, Rep. of".  However they
would also accept "Macedonia, Rep. of" because this is the
constitutional name of their country and not something attached to
them by someone else.

> Also i would have liked to CC this mail to them.

I forwarded your email message to their mailing list as well as my

Anton Zinoviev

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