On Τρι 28 Σεπ 2004 13:41, Tomislav Markovski wrote:
> This is a typical flamebait message. Trollings such as the above
> are the main reason we're not taking active participation in this
> discussion. We will layout our opinion on a single document and
> distribute it to the Debian Project.
> Please do not post provocative messages any more. They do not solve
> problems.

I certainly do not want to throw oil to the flames, but here the 
responsible for this flame is Igor. While I disagree with the 
reaction, it's very irresponsible to throw an inaccurate statement in 
the middle of a hot discussion and not expect any reaction. And in 
any case, it was totally irrelevant to the topic. So please do not 
try to point your finger at us as the responsible one. 
But I agree that we have to focus on active discussion and not 

> P.S. I'm sure Igor knows the name of the country he lives in much
> better than anyone else outside.

Yes, and so does everyone else. But we're not trying to solve that. 
For example, if, and I am being hypothetical here, IF a consensus was 
reached to the name, would Igor or any other Macedonian (Slav), agree 
to use that name instead of plain 'Macedonia' and thus saving all of 
us the flames? 


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