On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 07:36:02PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> according to your particular degree of zealotry...but your zealotry is more
> intense than what was common when we wrote the DFSG, so it's entirely possible
> that even crazier lunatics will arrive in the future (encouraged, no doubt, by
> the "successes" of the current crop of loonies).

Okay, since you refuse to converse civilly, without constantly throwing around
"zealot", "lunatic" and "loonies", I'm not going to converse with you.  (I
don't really have to, since your flaming rants aren't convincing anyone, and
I've never expected to convince you directly.)  Once you understand that
people can, in fact, rationally disagree with you, you might have more success
in debate.

Glenn Maynard

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