Florian Weimer dijo [Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 07:22:45PM +0100]:
> >> This is an unusual GPL interpretation.  Most commentators assume that
> >> providing a *separate* URL is *not* enough.
> >
> > That's exactly what Debian does, isn't it?
> No, Debian distributes source and binaries on the same (virtual)
> medium.  This is different from handing over a physical object with
> the "binary" and providing a URL for some resource on the Internet.

So... If I hand over a Debian CD to someone, will I be breaching the
law as I am giving him only the binaries, even if they have a very
easy way of getting the sources? Or, if we talk about other
distributions (which _are_ usually distributed via CDs), do they
breach the GPL?


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
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