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Florian Weimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> * Gunnar Wolf:
>>> No, Debian distributes source and binaries on the same (virtual)
>>> medium.  This is different from handing over a physical object with
>>> the "binary" and providing a URL for some resource on the Internet.
>> So... If I hand over a Debian CD to someone, will I be breaching the
>> law as I am giving him only the binaries, even if they have a very
>> easy way of getting the sources?
> It's generally believed that it's sufficient to offer a source code CD
> at the same time you give away the CD with binaries, as long as you
> are prepared to fulfill this offer.

If I give someone a printed GPL manual, I don't think that a request
for a printed copy of the source is unreasonable, provided they pay
the printing and distribution costs.  Providing a URL in addition
would be a more practical alternative for those who actually wanted to
use the source ;-)

(I did this last week actually.  I posted someone a printed GPL manual
accompanied by the source on a floppy.)


- -- 
Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?  http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/
                Debian GNU/Linux        http://www.debian.org/
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