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On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:43:53 +0100

> > So again: What is the responsibility of sponsoring, if not the full
> > responsibility of "everything the non-DD did to make the software
> > suitable for inclusion into Debian" (what I call "maintainance")?
> Sponsors are responsible for the uploaded material and should
> act as a sort of mini-ftpmaster/qa/mia/bugs-help routine. My
> NMs get pinged occasionally if they go too quiet. It is not the
> same as me maintaining, but I'd consider it if a NM did go MIA,
> because I mostly sponsor stuff I use or am interested in.

I act as mini-ftpmaster/qa/mia/bugs-help for all of my own packages,
and I call that work "maintaining" the packages. I can have upstream do
all of the hard work for me, or I can have someone else outside of
Debian do it, but in the end I am responsible for "maintaining"
whatever I let into Debian.

I don't want to convince you that you are wrong, but also I have a
feeling that you cannot convince me that I am wrong. Let's just leave
it at that, unless you have additional arguments.

> Sponsored packages should be unmaintained less often than DD
> ones, because there should be someone who's already read and
> understood the packaging and might take over, isn't there?

Sounds like you are describing the good cases with caring sponsors.

I suspect lazy sponsors exist, but have no proof.

Lack of proof - lack of visibility in the way sponsoring is treated
in real life - is part of my point in this thread, but not all. What
worries me more is the lack of responsibility behind such behavior. But
as I have no proof we can just end the discussion here and you can
sleep well at night deciding that I am simply hunting a ghost. :-I


 - Jonas

- -- 
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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