This one time, at band camp, Pierre Habouzit said:
> Le dim 8 octobre 2006 14:18, Raphael Hertzog a écrit :
> > And if the comments associated to the project proposal indicate that
> > there's some controversy in the idea behind the project, then the
> > donor would be aware that there's a risk that the stuff doesn't get
> > integrated into Debian proper.
> hahah, and you expect to find donors with that ?

Actually, I would expect that this is quite possible.  I wouldn't expect
them to find enough donor's to provide full time work for several
people on an ongoing basis, but that's not what this is about, AIUI.

> My concern is about money driving how decisions are taken or not. It 
> always ends in bad technical solutions, so my fear is legitimate.

Sorry, assertion failure detected.

I think it's entirely likely that enough small scale donations could be
gathered to allow some projects to be minimally funded for short periods
without any of the sort of corporate silliness you describe entering
in to the equation.  If you're talking about orders of magnitude more
money, then you're probably right, but I don't think anyone's talking
about getting rich here.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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