also sprach Bastian Venthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006.10.11.1002 +0200]:
> This is quite frustrating, since most of the applicants are surely
> doing already the normal work every Developer has to do, but are
> not able to upload or participate on current votes.

I agree that this might well be frustrating. However, I also oppose
to any measure to increase the new queue throughput until we figured
out how to also get *rid* of DDs. Our project is too large; we can't
just keep growing.

I think post-etch we should take steps in three areas, in the
following order:

  - a procedure to retire inactive developers on a regular/automated
  - a break-up of levels of contribution. Not all DDs need write
    access to the archive; we must, however, avoid a 2/3-class
    society. What we need is something like Enrico's debtags web
    frontend for people who contribute certain aspects to multiple
    packages at once (like translations, logcheck, etc). The data
    accumulated there are then automatically submitted/made
    available to the package maintainer.
  - improvements to the NM queue to get people set up with accounts
    and all needed rights ASAP.

Bastian, I am sorry for your frustration. All I can ask is that you
please be patient. If your sponsor does not have the time to work
with you in more or less real-time, consider asking for more help on

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
NP: The Cooper Temple Clause / Kick Up the Fire, and Let the Flames Break Loose

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