On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:28:51 +0100, Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Debian Project Secretary writes ("Re: Proposal to delay the decition
> of the DPL of the withdrawal of the Package Policy Committee
> delegation"):
>> There are three ways policy can be changed:
>> a) The Technical ctte can do so
>> b) A group of developers can do so, via a GR, with a 2:1 super
>> majority (essentially, making the decision the tech ctte can make
>> -- think of it as over riding inaction)
>> c) The DPL can delegate people with the power to change policy.

> The TC could decide to make a new person the maintainer of the
> policy package.

        You are correct, the TC could delegate their powers to any

        However, the people who maintain the policy package are still
 the maintainers -- and while they cannot make normative changes to
 policy, they are still able to fix packaging bugs,  and fix
 typographical errors (which is why the FTP master decision to add
 REJECT rules is wrong, and over reaching).

        Can you quote to me the section of the constitution under
 which you think the TC can strip a package away from a maintainer?
 Even overruling a maintainer requires the TC to act with 3:1
 majority, stripping away a package from a maintainer is a power I
 have not seen mentioned.

        If you ask how the TC may delegate away it's powers to make
 policy changes, I can see the TC delegate making normative changes to
 the policy, and then the maintainers of the policy package can take
 that and upload the changed policy, as one scenario.

QOTD: "I used to go to UCLA, but then my Dad got a job."
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>
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