This is a summary of the AM reports for week ending November 1st 2006.
14 applicants became maintainers.

Michael Biebl <biebl>
  I'm a German guy, born and grown up in a small village in south Germany.
  I'm 25 years old and currently studying computer science at the
  University of Karlsruhe  and hope to finish my study in the next three
  to four semesters. Before that I went to military service for almost a
  year which is mandatory here in Germany.
  I'm fascinated by the ideas and ideals of Open Source and Free Software
  and Debian embodies this ideals for me. I want to volunteer my time to
  Debian because I hope it will also benefit other people. I want to work
  together with other interesting people on a large project and be part of
  this great project. And besides all it's just great fun working with Debian.

Ana Beatriz Guerrero López <ana>
  I'm a girl from Andalucía, in the south of Spain and I have studied
  computer sciences at the University of Sevilla.
  I had listened about Linux and free software before start the University,
  but until the summer of 2001, i didn't get my own computer and internet
  at home, facts that indeed helped me to install my first linux and learn
  a lot :)
  For some time, I was testing several distros, and I am a happy Debian
  user since 2003. I had always been interested in Debian development, but
  when i started to use Debian i thought i have not enough understanding
  to contribute. (yeah, i even rejected the idea without try it).
  The debian-women project made me re-think, and i decided i could at least
  learn a bit more about Debian before reject such idea.
  So, i started lurking Debian mailing-list and all the stuff, and well,
  here i'm :)
  In Debian, i'm not only interested in maintain packages, i'm also
  interested in help to improve the areas that do Debian easier for the
  end user.

Neil Williams <codehelp>
  I began computing with a ZX-81 where everything had to be programmed by hand
  and, initially, nothing could be stored between reboots. I moved on to the ZX
  Spectrum and the BBC micro. Then a quick trial on Amstrad PCW's before I had
  my own 386 PC running Windows 3.0. I learnt BASIC, C++ and a little Pascal. I
  started a code based website ( and the difficulties in
  writing perl scripts and configuring a usable web server on a Windows machine
  peeked my interest in Unix and therefore Linux. My first distro was Mandrake
  7.0, running dual-boot with Windows98. I now have Debian testing on an old
  server, Debian unstable on my workstation and OSX on an iBook.

  My programming background now touches on Perl, PHP, HTML, XML, WML, C, C++,
  assembly language, a little Pascal and a little Java. Previous experience on
  DOS, Win3.1 and Win95/98 has been superceded by GNU/Linux platforms. I'm
  trying to stay away from Scheme, Lisp, Emacs and Python but I suppose they'll
  get me eventually.

  I learnt about free software from my GNU/Linux user group and I try to do what
  I can to spread the ideas and concepts as well as helping in the continuing
  fight against software patents. (I attended the meeting with Lord Sainsbury
  at the DTI in 2004 and the workshops on technical contribution that

  I chose Debian for the community feel, the packaging tools and because I have
  come to respect the quality and scope of the distribution. When I became
  involved in gnucash development, it was natural to consider becoming more
  involved in Debian as well. I had met Wookey at a series of LinuxWorld Expo
  events from 2003 onwards and discussions with Debian developers at events
  like this encouraged me to pursue a wider goal in my gnucash development that
  could extend the freedoms of source code into the realm of user data. I feel
  that we are familiar with the freedom of source code and documentation but
  data seems to have been left behind.

  Free software developers can be forgiven for remaining in their comfort zone
  but there is a real need from users that the packages on their system
  *cooperate* and share the same data wherever possible. I feel that it should
  be the norm that all packages support data exchange with any package that may
  need some user data from any other. Parts of KDE can do this, parts of Gnome
  too, but it is rare between KDE and Gnome and rarer still between free
  software desktops and embedded free software projects like GPE.

  I've tried to cover the ideas at

  My main area of interest within Debian is emDebian - supporting GPE in
  particular and embedded platforms in general.

  I also want to increase the proportion of Debian packages that have a en_GB
  translation (two nations separated by a common language), sponsor some other
  prospective developers via debian-mentors and eventually help out with the NM

Matt Brown <mattb>
  I'm 21, married, currently living in Auckland, New Zealand. I work as a
  Network / Systems administrator for a company called MediaLab
  ( I also spend half my time contracted back to the
  WAND Network Research Group ( at Waikato University
  ( where I maintain and develop software for the CRCnet
  Wireless Research Network (

  My involvement in Free software started around 5 years ago and was
  nutured by my workmates and tutors as I progressed through University. I
  first used Debian around 4 and a half years ago and I have been
  maintaining Debian servers since then. Part of the CRCnet project has
  involved creating a derived Debian distribution for use on very low
  resource biscuit computers. I have gained significant experience
  recompiling and building a wide range of Debian packages through this.
  (The glibc and kernel packages scare me - but I got them working in the
   end!). Without the flexibility of Linux we would not have been able to
  build the CRCnet project. This has been an excellent example of the
  power of Free software for me.

  I am active in my Local LUG ( having served two years on
  the committee and I help out maintaining the wiki code base. I have
  written a logfile analyser for the Squid Web Proxy
  ( I also contribute to various other
  Free software projects as I have time (see for details).

Vincent Danjean <vdanjean>
  I do not know how to tell it, but I really like the ideas between Free
  Software. I already tell you I personnaly suffer from proprietory
  software. And I found that nowadays Free Software is good enought (and
  even often best) for all of my tasks.

  I wrote several sofware that were all under a free licence (GNU GPL
  most of the time). And I promote these kind of licences around of me, in
  particular with my colleagues.

  When I was at the ENSL, I was in charge (with a few other people) of
  the computer ressources for students. We installed lots of Linux for the
  new students that would like to try it. I also installed lots of
  softwares system-wide, but in a separate partition : we were not root.
  So I had to solve lots of compilation issue (we had Solaris/sparc and
  Debian/PC) and installation problems (library versionning, ...)

Hubert Chan <uhoreg>
  I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo
  in Ontario, Canada.  I enjoy programming, and am pretty comfortable in
  C/C++/Objective-C, Perl (as long as I have my camel book with me), and
  am learning Python.  I also do some shell scripting, when I'm forced
  to, and I've done some hacking in Emacs lisp.  As for non-computing
  interests, I enjoy biking, photography, camping, and playing soccer.
  I've been playing with computers for almost as long as I can remember.
  I first came to Linux way before Linux 1.0, with the SLS
  distribution, which came on about 100 floppies.  At the time, it was
  just a toy for me, but I didn't spend much time with it.  I guess my
  first real major contact with Free software was with emx, an
  environment for OS/2 using the GNU tools, including gcc.  I think it
  was around that time that I was entering University, and it was nice
  to be able to use the same compiler that they were using at school.
  Of course, eventually IBM stopped supporting OS/2, and so I decided to
  switch to Linux full time.
  I tried a few distributions, and on the recommendation of a friend, I
  gave Debian a try when it was time for a reinstall (either because of
  a borked hard drive, or new computer -- I forget).  I was impressed
  with the ease of package management, the quality of the distribution,
  and the openness of the developer and user community.  I started
  contributing by answering questions in -user and -laptop, and by
  submitting bugs to the BTS (and offering patches or solutions on the
  few occasions that I was able to).  I eventually learned how to create
  my own packages, and now have a few packages in Debian (hashcash,
  asymptote, alsaplayer (co-maintained), the GNUstep core libraries, and
  a few other GNUstep things).  My most recent major undertaking was
  making the GNUstep packages (more) compliant with the FHS.  I was also
  fairly active with the Debian Interest Group at the University of
  Waterloo, while it was active, and gave a few talks and helped
  administer its machines.
  I really enjoy working with Debian and with its developer community,
  and I hope that I can help make it a better distribution.  As a DD, my
  main focus would be on packaging.  But of course, I would try to
  contribute in any other ways that I can -- reporting (and fixing)
  bugs, being active on the mailing lists, cooperating with other
  Developers, writing documentation, helping users get started.

Benjamin Seidenberg <benjamin>
  I'm a senior in high school in North Carolina, US, and am 18 years
  old. Next year I will be attending Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. I
  first installed GNU/Linux (Red Hat 7.3) in the summer after 7th grade (I
  was 13). I spent a month downloading the two ISO images over a dial-up
  connection. I wanted Linux because it was supposed to be what all the
  people who really knew what they were doing used. I now use Linux for
  stability and power. I use windows at school and always find myself
  missing the command line, many of the tools, the stability, and the
  ability to customize the interface. I switched to Debian after a friend
  convinced me of the superiority of it's package management tools, and I
  haven't looked back.

  As I used Debian more, I got more interested in the makings. One of
  the biggest draws for me was how responsive the developers were. I
  really was amazed that the people who made this listened and interacted
  with their users. You just don't see this in the proprietary software
  world.  I started reading various mailing lists, and following IRC
  channels. I decided I wanted to help contribute, but wasn't sure where
  to start. A friend of mine is the upstream author of iptstate, and had
  released a new version, and the debian maintainer hadn't yet packaged
  it. I decided to try to create a package, and followed the New
  Maintainer guide. While I was successful, the debian maintainer
  obviously continued his own package.

  However, once I had convinced myself I could handle the process, I
  skimmed the RFP list and found another package (dav-text) that looked
  simple and packaged it. I posted an RFS for it on debian-mentors and
  Anibal Monsalve Salazar sponsored it. I then found another package,
  graphmonkey by hanging out in #debian-mentors. The upstream author came
  in and was asking for someone to package his software, so I agreed.
  Anibal also sponsored this package. I then decided to apply for NM,
  since I decided I wanted to become a DD. I knew I wasn't ready, but I
  also knew how long it took to have an AM assigned, and decided to apply
  anyway. I decided I should join a team, but I couldn't find one that
  seemed to suit me.

  At one point, I bought an iRiver H10 mp3 player, having heard of how
  great iRiver's Linux support was. Silly me. On Linux, you need a custom
  tool, EasyH10, to build the databases. It didn't exist in Debian, so I
  now had my third package. This is my most active package, and I have a
  good relationship with the upstream author. I've contributed several bug
  fixes, and he even used my machine to debug an issue I was having,
  finding a file descriptor leak. I also wrote a man page for EasyH10,
  which nyaochi then edited and shipped upstream.

  A bit after this, my problem with finding a team was solved, as a
  team found me. When Sven Muller responded to an email I sent to the
  Debian Cyrus Team about their backported version of the Cyrus 2.2
  packages, I offered to help and joined the Debian Cyrus team. On the
  Cyrus team, I focus on packaging, bug triage, and other debian specific
  aspects of the packages. We have recently released 2.2 packages into
  unstable, and I'm proud to say I was part of this effort.

  During all this time, I of course contributed in other ways to
  Debian, I have filled and helped fix bugs, contributed to mailing lists
  and more. I tested a woody -> sarge upgrade, and found a fairly large
  bug in the process, and have contributed in other ways as well. I look
  forward to becoming a full developer, and being able to participate more

Bastian Venthur <venthur>
  I'm currently 25 years old and study computer science (major), physics
  (minor) and business administration (minor) at the Free University Berlin.
  I started using Linux during my first year at the University (2001).
  I've tried a few distros until I sticked to Debian. I was quite
  impressed by Debian's package management which was superior to what
  other distros could offer those days and made Debian (against the major
  opinion those days) more user friendly than other distros I've tried.
  During my studies I discovered, that Debian (or Linux in general) is an
  excellent platform for programming and due it's open nature a great
  source of material to learn from. So I became interested in free
  software in general. I realized over time what free software offers
  (apart from being free of charge) and how much it already gave me.
  Knowing that the existence of free software projects strongly depends on
  contributions/ors and being very interested in learning more about
  Debian as operating system, I decided to become a DD.
  Besides being an active member of d-u-german, and reporter of quite a
  few bugs, I'm currently maintaining mainly kde-related packages. I want
  to help Debian to stay what it is already well known for: a rock stable,
  free system with an excellent and reliable package management. Besides
  those more general goals I'd like to see Debian becoming more user
  friendly -- and by user friendly I mean newbie friendly.

Joost Damad <andete>
  I'm Joost Damad, 30 year old from Belgium. I'm married for 3 years
  already.  My hobbies are gardening, computer games, squash, cooking,
  reading, dogs, and music and synthesizers, MSX, computers. I studied
  Computer Science at the universities of Limburg and Leuven. I work as a
  software developer and integrator for a large multinational.  I currently
  already maintain openMSX and it's related packages. I'm also interested
  in debian-multimedia and midi applications.

Arjan Oosting <arjan>
  I am studying computer science at the University of Utrecht and working
  parttime at a helpdesk of a Dutch ISP. And now some history ;-)
  When I finished high school, I started studying physics in Utrecht in
  1997 and had my first real contact with computers that year. I found
  them pretty interesting and spent quite some time breaking and restoring
  the computer of my girlfriend (as I did not have my own just yet).
  My study did not go so well though as a was more interested in playing
  with computers and internet at the time. Then for one course we had to
  do some stuff in Mathematica and that was my first contact with
  programming. At home I tried some stuff with Visual Basic (uggh) and
  later on Java.
  Then I decided to switch from physics to computer science in 1998. I
  guess it was 1999 when installed windows NT4 on my pc and I tried to
  install some linux distributions that year as well (Red Hat, Suse) but
  still kept on using Windows.
  Then I got my second pc which I used as fileserver and firewall and on
  which I installed Debian. But I still was a complete newbie and wanted
  to learn more and decided to give Linux From Scratch a try. After using
  that for a year or so I got sick of compiling everything myself and
  installed Debian again on my server which was somewhere in 2003.

Mattias Nordstrom <mnordstr>
  I'm 22 years old and study at Helsinki University of Technology. Most of
  my time at the moment goes to running a business that I co-founded with a
  few friends, which in a nutshell is an ICT and custom solutions provider
  for small to medium sized businesses. At work I install, maintain and
  develop exclusively for Debian systems, including embedded installations
  on boards such as the Routerboard 500 ( and similar
  embedded systems.
  When applicable we try to develop open source software and every piece of
  software we create has Debian packages for ease of installation and
  maintenance. In fact, every software (application or library) that I've
  needed that doesn't have a Debian package now has one, and I always try to
  get these in the official Debian archive.
  I personally began using computers at a young age, beginning with a
  Commodore 64. I became familiar with Linux in the late nineties and use it
  (particularly Debian) exclusively now. I've used several different
  distributions but Debian was just so much better than the next one, and
  I've stuck with it since. I believe I began using it around 2002, not
  quite sure. I was a Windows user before using Linux but once I found out
  how much more efficient one can be on a Linux box (being a developer and
  all) it didn't take long before I had completely switched away from using
  Windows. It didn't take long before I became familiar with the open source
  development model and realized it's advantages over proprietary software
  development. I'd have to reconsider many times now before I would
  implement anything using proprietary solutions as I can never be sure they
  work the way I want. With OSS I can always adjust and extend.

David Watson <dwatson>
  I work in Liverpool as a Network Manager in a secondary
  school, and am currently working on my Computing degree with the Open
  University.  I've been "into" computers since I was 10, and have been
  programming since about the same time.
  I first used Linux in 1996 when I ordered a copy of slackware, my first
  experience of Debian was when I installed Potato in work to run as a
  Samba server.  I quickly moved my other computers to Debian, and have
  used it ever since.
  I have wanted to contribute to Debian for a while, and when I discovered
  that the package for ntlmaps (which I use at work) was up for adoption I
  offered to help.  Since then I have also packaged another piece of software
  called geximon, becoming upstream in the process as the original author no
  longer wished to maintain the software.  I found geximon very useful and
  felt other Debian users would benefit from having it available.

Shachar Shemesh <shachar>
  My first Linux expereince was back in 92 or 93 - me and a friend tried
  to compile a kernel on one of the early Ygdrassil distributions.
  Wasn't easy. I've been actively sysadmining Linux machines since
  around 1996. My first real free software contribution was on the Wine
  project, where I took the task of adding BiDirectional support (i.e. -
  support for langauges such as Hebrew and Arabic). Search for my name
  at for more info on that.

  Since then I took on several other tasks, some of which I'm actually
  main (usually sole) maintainer. Most prominant of these is rsyncrypto
  (, which is a file encryption
  program. It's uniqueness lies in the fact that files encrypted with
  rsyncrypto maintain their wire transfer efficiency when synched with
  rsync. In other words, the local changes to the plain text files
  result in bounded changes to the encrypted file. Rsyncrypto is
  available under the GPL.

Ghe Rivero <ghe>
  I'm 24 years old, from Spain.
  My first contact with Linux was with SuSE 6.3. A friend of mine
  installed it on my pc, and just take me a couple of hours to reinstall
  Windows on it.  On 2000, i started studying computers science at
  university and need to use linux for some courses. I met the local group
  and just felt in love of free software during some conferences and with
  Now, i work as the main system administrator at my university. Some
  servers are Debian but the number of them is increasing continuously.
  After a lot of years like user, i want to give something back to Debian
  and try to improve it from inside. Also i would like to help to have
  more importance in the enterprise market.

Mohammed Adnène Trojette

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