Hi! I had written this on debian-policy, but one of members told to post here.
It is the story of my letters:

Evgeniy Ivanov wrote:

> Hi! I live in the second capital of Russian Federation -
> Saint-Petersburg. Some time ago one of the largest mobilephones shops
> network made an advertisement of their support with debian logo. There

Interesting. Could you tell a bit more on what they actually do? Are
they selling something Debian-related?

They sell mobiles, mp3-players and diffrent stuff for these devices.
They are not involved in computer soft selling.

> are about 200-300 their shops in my city and I think about 500 in
> Moscow (capital). So, many people see it and don't know that it is
> Debian property, but not of these shops.

I am not sure I understand you. Are they using the Debian logo as one of
their own?

I think, yes: there is nothing about debian on their advertisment.
Debian logo and company name and something else, but not reference to
Debian project.

> I can't get anything on their web, so I may get this paper and scan if
> it is important.

It would certainly be interesting to see it, please do. Although you
should not post it directly to the list. Upload it somewhere and post a
link instead. Also feel free to post it to me privately. Yes, I can read

Ок, I will try to get it. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will
send it to you. Their ifficial colors are yellow and red, maybe that
is wgy they use swirl-logo.

P.S. This mailing list is for discussing Debian Policy (an important
document on how things should work in Debian) related things. Posts like
this one should go to debian-project or debian-devel in the future.

Ок, thanks. I didn't know - next time I would use these mailing lists.

Here are the links:


The sign is something like: "hot line of support, for our clients...
telephone number, name of the shops network"


P.S. I'm not subscribed on this mailing list, so please answer me on my mail.

Best regards, powerfox (Evgeniy Ivanov)ю

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