Hi Dirk,

Most Debian mailing lists are english-oriented, please respect this.  There 
are some german lists, such as debian-user-de.   Please note, too, that 
the -project list is not really the correct list to talk about such issues.  
debian-user would probabyl be better.

On Tuesday 28 November 2006 16:32, Kuebeler, Dirk (StarCom-Bauer GmbH) 

> wir benötigen für einen großen Kunden von uns, welcher Debian Linux
> bereits einsetzt ein Board für Sockel 775.

I don't think a general hardware compatibility list for Debian is available.  
(And owing to the extremely short product cycles I'm not sure it's even 

Currently, the situation is:
 * on most modern hardware, Debian 3.1 (sarge) won't install with the 
default installer because of the IDE hardware.  SCSI might be fine.  
Graphics cards will also be a major pain.
 * on most modern hardware Debian 4.0 (etch) which is now in preparation 
(current expected release date is around the end of the year, personally I 
guess it will be something like end of January) will install and run just 
fine.  Accelerated graphics is still a problem without using proprietary 
drivers for Nvidia and ATI cards.

I hope this helps you
-- vbi

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