
I have a number of machines to give away to Debian related people.
This is "old" hardware donated from Lufthansa, ranging from an older
486DX2/66 to new Dual Xeon 3GHz machines. All machines that nobody wants
here will get scrapped, so I haven't done a selection, maybe someone
wants to build a small router or stuff with one of the really small ones.

This machines are for "Debian people" and should benefit Debian work[1],
which includes all of Debian Developer, New Maintainer and regular

[1] Which means primary Debian. If that work then later benefits
    whatever derivates out there too thats fine, but thats not the
    primary goal.

So, if you want a machine from the following list, send a mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and give a rough description what you plan to do with
it. The description is there so that I can give a summary back to show
it is used for something good and - in case we have more people asking
then we have machines here - to make a basic selection. Martin Wuertele,
Marc Brockschmidt and Alexander Schmehl volunteered to help me processing

The machines are currently located in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. I plan to
ship them with one of DPD, UPS or DHL, whatever is cheapest then. Should
be between 15€ and 50€, depending on the machines weight and how far it
needs to go (so better dont ask if you are currently visiting the moon :) ).

I asked our DPL Anthony if Debian can help with the shipping costs, like
paying half/all of the costs. He did not sound too negative about that idea,
so I CC him with this mail to let him comment on it. Depending on what
he decides you will get my bank details to transfer the other half of
the needed amount for shipping costs to me - or not.

Now, lets get to hardware details.

All machines are equipped with harddisc drives, unless otherwise
stated (some got destroyed for data security). All drives got
erased/overwritten multiple times.

While all the machines are out off their supplier guarantee[2], they did
work fine here. If I know of any breakage it is written in the
list. While "out of guarantee" may sound bad it is actually the reason
why we can get the machines - and some machines are just a few days
out. So I think it wont hurt you. :)

[2] and so we don't give any guarantee to you. :)

The case size is usually 4U like, unless otherwise noted.

Nr   CPU          Mhz    RAM(MB)     Notes     
1    Pentium III  733     256               
2    Celeron      1000    128               
3    Pentium 4    2000    512               
4    Pentium 4    2400   1024    
5    Pentium 4    2400   1024    
6    Pentium 4    2400   1024
7    Celeron      1000    384
8    Celeron      1000    512
9    Pentium II   400     256
10   Dual Xeon    3000   2048        1U Case
11   Pentium 4    2600   1024
12   Pentium 4    2600   1024
13   Pentium 4    1800   1024
14   Pentium III  1000   1536
15   Pentium 4    2400   1024
16   Pentium 4    2400   1024
17   Pentium 4    2400   1024
18   Pentium 4    2400   1024
19   Pentium 4    2400   1024
20   Pentium 4    2400   1024
21   Pentium 4    2400   1024
22   Pentium 4    2400   1024
23   Pentium 4    2400   1024
24   Pentium 4    2400   1024
25   Pentium 4    2400   1024
26   Pentium 4    2400   1024
27   Pentium 4    1900   1024
28   Pentium 4    1900   1024
29   Pentium 4    1900   1024
30   Dual Xeon    3000   2048        Tower Case
31   Dual Xeon    3000   2048        1U Case
32   Pentium 4    2400   1024
33   Pentium 4    2400   1024
34   Pentium 4    2400   1024
35   Pentium 4    2400   1024
36   Pentium 4    2400   1024
37   Pentium III  1000   1536
38   Pentium III  500     256
39   Pentium 4    2600   1024
40   Pentium 4    2000   1024
41   Pentium 4    2400   1024
42   Pentium 4    1800   1024
43   Pentium 4    2600   1024
44   Pentium III  1000    512
45   Pentium 4    2400   1024
46   Pentium III  1000    256
47   Pentium III  800     768
48   Pentium III  800     768
49   Pentium 4    2400   1024
50   Pentium III  733     512        1U Case
51   Pentium III  733     512   possibly defect
52   Pentium III  733     512   75 badblocks detected, 1U Case
53   Pentium III  800     768
54   Dual Xeon    3000   2048
55   Pentium III  800     768
56   Pentium 4    2400   1024   sometimes unstable
57   Pentium III  500     256
58   Pentium Pro  200      96   no hdd, Tower case
59   Pentium 66   66       24   no hdd, Desktop case (Fujitsu Scenic 5H PCI)
60   Pentium 90   90       12   no hdd, Desktop case (Fujitsu Scenic 5H PCI)
61   Pentium 166  166      32   no hdd
62   486 DX/2     66       16   no hdd, Desktop case
63   486 DX/2     66       16   Desktop case
64   Pentium III  233      128
65   Pentium III  500      512  no hdd
66                              no hdd
67   Pentium III  866      768  no hdd, no graphic card, Tower case
68                              tower case
69                              no hdd
70   hppa712/100                no hdd, "pizza"
71   hppa712/100                no hdd, "pizza"
72   hppa712/100                no hdd, "pizza"
73   bnc bridge   
74                              no hdd, no graphic card, tower case
75   IDE Disk Array. Called "ARENA-EX". Uses normal scsi connector to
     attach to PC. 6*30G HDD installed in it. Comes with terminator,
     *maybe* also a cable, but no scsi card.

Yes, from machines 66, 68, 69 and 74 I dont know much details. One or
two of them are also hppas IIRC, the other probably similar to 67 or so.

bye Joerg
<zobel> cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp
<Ganneff> zobel: das nennt sich "metal"
<Ganneff> oder "techno", je nachdem
<youam> Ganneff: apocalyptica?
<Ganneff> youam: nein, das is random, nich urandom :)

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