Hey guys...
Thanks for all the responses and I got it figured out; my buddy went there and thought it was a Quick-time like player needed to view the page. Nothing happened and so he never told me about it. But I would think a program install would show you something...? Anyway, from reading your emails, I got kinda interested, my main question is; will all my programs run on Debian? If so, I might try it out. Thanks again for the replies- RJ

Matthew K Poer wrote:

On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 16:33 -0700, RJ Gillis wrote:
Hopefully you can forward this to the correct party; everyone I've tried gets my message 
returned stating: "you are not subscribed to this list". Yet, I cannot find a 
way to subscribe, nor do I wish to. Thanks- RJ

Hi, I am hoping you can help me. I recently had to use 'safe mode' and when rebooting, was offer the choice of 'windows' or 'debian installer'. I have never seen or heard of debian before and no one else uses my pc, so the question is; how did this get on my pc? I cruised your site and I know it's an OS, but not how it got here. The only hardware changes I've made recently are a new monitor and graphics card; neither disc includes debian on it. Any clues? It sure is a mystery to me.
Thanks- RJ

Are you sure you don't have geeky friend's messing with you, trying to
have you use Debian (Linux)?

I can't say for sure how the Debian Installer got onto your computer,
but it may have to do with the Debian Windows Installer project, check
www.goodbye-windows.com, which basically loads the Debian OS installer
from within MS Windows. It's neat... if you want it. As far as I know,
no one has forced this on anyone unwilling. (Though there would be irony
in forcing people to use a secure OS via a security hole in an insecure

To me this sounds like your opportunity to try out Debian GNU/Linux. If
you're not interested, just select to load Windows. Check out here for
how to fix your boot.ini file and go to Windows automatically when your
PC boots up: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/289022

If you've accidentally stumbled upon Linux, why not give it a shot? I'll
tell you one thing: you won't not know when you've installed a second
operating system!

(I've CC-ed to what I think might be the correct mailing lists for such
a topic. If you reply, keep please keep these addresses in the CC field)

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