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On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:06:45PM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
>* Gunnar Wolf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [080415 19:45]:
>> Umh... I know this will sound quite boring to you - But I (and I 
>> guess, many of the Debian people) do not like the idea of presenting 
>> testing/unstable snapshots as something ready for the end-user to 
>> install. Hey, if they want unstable software, why not try 
>> Ubuntu?</joke>
>i dont think that is a reasonable approach. if "testing" quality
>is good enough and useful to people why would you hide away that
>it is debian under the hood by rebranding it? Why deny debian a
>good marketing opportunity where "debian" or "debi" can be found
>in other places then the debian/control file? 

I believe that you won't upset or confuse anyone if you...

  - Call it "Debian" only if it is indeed (some subset of) Debian.
  - Call it "based on Debian" if some but not all is Debian.
  - Call it "stable" only if all is from the current stable release.

See also the recent thread at debian-custom...

  - Jonas

- -- 
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

  - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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