On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 22:45:01 +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

> Essentially, this has gone backwards and forwards for years. Although 
> David's wording is good, now is not the time - we need to get Lenny out.

Mine is a general discussion, Lenny is not concerned, and probably neither
Squeeze, nor (Squeeze + 1) :)

> > Non-free is there just because the free counterparts aren't optimal. Someday
> > these will, and non-free will just disappear from Debian :)
> At this point, the pain of setting up parallel infrastructure and so on 
> will outweigh the gain. Situations with binary firmware blobs are 
> becoming better, though the path to full freedom is probably asymptotic 
> :)

Ahah, probably :)

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