On Mon Oct 27 20:28, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Her basic idea is, that in addictive games the first levels of success are 
> easy to achieve and then it gets harder, but only so slowly so that people 
> dont loose motivation. She also manages very well to carry this over to free 
> software development and I suggest you watch it (its 45min), as she can 
> really connect this much better than I can do here.)
> Currently, in Debian it is (still) really hard to get involved and part of 
> the 
> project (though to be fair, it's perceived even harder than it is). DM was a 
> good step in the right direction and we should keep that direction, not add 
> too many levels of access, priviledges and buerocrazy.

Surely the multiple levels are the point she is making? By having
multiple levels of access and/or privileges you can slowly give them out
and make the early ones easier to attain. The reason for creating
posts/roles/statuses which are more restricted than full access is that
you can make it correspondingly easier to be granted them and therefore
they can be used to help people not lose motivation before they manage
to get the full access.


Matthew Johnson

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