also sprach Andre Felipe Machado <> 
[2009.08.16.1915 +0200]:
> After this first round trip, the whole process would be evaluated and
> adjusted. Maybe cancelled or broadned. But without trying with a small
> group of highly user visible packages, we will not know.

I agree very much with your proposed suggestion: before Debian can
commit/agree to any "cadence", we need to get a trial of the
benefits for us, if we are to deviate from the way we (used to) do
things: resources to get our release into shape, and resources to
maintain our software post-release. 

> Mr. Shuttleworth is a business man and will likely perceive the
> value proposition and benefits for Canonical business model in the
> long run, despite requiring some more commitment of resources
> ahead and after release, but limited to a small group of key
> packages that causes lots of bug reports and or binary
> incompatibilities during release life cycle. Not having to deal
> alone with these versions' bugs will reduce Canonical costs. And
> neither Debian alone. [0] 

Exactly. His suggestion bears benefits for Canonical, but in the
business world, return follows investment, not the other way.

> At Debian Project side, there could be benefits of more skilled
> contributions and BTS reports and patches, with consolidated
> collaboration even synergetic in future, and predictable work
> oportunity windows for Teams. Plans could be articulated with more
> teams.

I wouldn't go as far as speaking of "more skilled contributions", as
that would discount quite a lot of Debian contributors, but there
are certainly opportunities in this for us.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"one should never trust a woman who tells her real age.
 if she tells that, she will tell anything."
                                                        -- oscar wilde

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