Am 27.10.2013 um 20:46 schrieb Steve Langasek <>:

> On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 05:27:25PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
>> Bart Martens wrote:
>>> I suggest we keep things civil, with respect for the persons involved.  It's
>>> really not up to Debian to harm someone's reputation, and that could reflect
>>> bad on Debian's reputation.
>>> Approaches I could support :
>>> - post the bans with reasons on debian-private
>>> - or maintain a list of bans with reasons in a text file on a Debian machine
>>>  where DDs can read this info.
>> Simply obfuscating the name on the list of banned users (or not posting
>> any names at all, only links to the posts that led to the ban) would
>> eliminate most reputational damage. Ie, random searches for that
>> person would not turn up a high pagerank page listing their
>> youthful indiscretions.
>> Using eg "J. Hess" would probably be fine in most cases.
> This also seems like a good compromise to me.  Do the other folks who object
> to publishing information that could damage the poster's reputation (e.g.,
> Bart, Ingo) think this is ok?

Hmmm... difficult. 

I can understand the reasons to make bans public. It's a way of checks and 
balances for the listmasters and the public, which is good. 

On the other hand, making such a ban publically known is like a pillory for 
that person and might violate the persons fundamental rights, especially the 
right of informational self-determination (EN:, DE: in Germany, 
which has its counter part in Article 8, 1 European Convention on Human Rights 

The name of a person is, of course, a personal data and thus proteced under 
privacy rights. When that person writes to a mailing list, s/he is granting the 
right to publish that mail to others - because in most cases people are aware 
of the fact that the willingly write to a public and open mailing list. But 
listing the name in a different context that it was intended by the author 
itself, namely on list of ML bans, might violate this basic right. Also keep in 
mind that a General Data Protection Regulation 
( in the 
Eruopean Union is on its way, where a "Right to be Forgotten" is mentioned in 
Article 17, which could be applied in this case as well. 

Obfuscating the name by shorten it will not work for rare family names like 
mine for example, so I don't think this could be an option at all. 
Conducting a webpage with links to the posts in question that led to the ban 
seems to break the direct connection between the ban and the name when doing 
some easy websearchs for the name, but I don't know the detials of search 
algorithms, so maybe the ban page will pop up quickly when searching for the 

Currently I see no good way of making the ban public - except to get the 
consent of the banned person. 
For example when a person gets banned s/he can be asked whether s/he is ok with 
taking this ban to the mailing list to get input from other users and start a 
discussion whether this ban should stand or get removed again. When the person 
agrees the issue can be made publically known and discussed. 

I'm aware of the fact that privacy standards are lower or seen in a more 
relaxed way that do not match the high standards we have in the EU and 
especially in Germany and that our high german standard causes shaking the head 
in most other countries. But, well, I'm a German and can't ignore basic rights 
and when asked what's more important to me, Debians reputation or peoples 
fundamental rights, I'll always stand and fight for the fundamental rights. 
Sorry. :)

Ciao...            //      Fon: 0381-2744150
      Ingo       \X/

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