On Fri, 24 Jul 2015 17:12:12 -0600
"Charles M. DayIII" <themississipp...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I am an Emergency Management student. I am in my Doctoral program at
> Grand Canyon University. I have had a laptop loaded with just Debian
> Linux so I can train myself to use Linux. I need to set up this laptop
> to run the GCU systems. The Readers they use are Adobe readers and the
> college does not support the Linux system. I need to use Linux to learn
> it. The more I use it the better I am at it. Please help me set this
> laptop up right. I also can't view movies on Hulu or Netflix I need a
> program that is updated to view these programs. Because some of my
> assignment have been to view a movie. To date I have had to view only
> one but that dose not preclude the fact I may have to view some more. I
> need help. Thank you Charles Day, " themississipp...@hotmail.com 

You most likely don't need Adobe Reader; Debian has a lot of pdf
readers already. I recommend xpdf:

sudo apt-get install xpdf

As for Netflix, you'll need to use Google Chrome (*not* chromium).


libnss is a dependency, though, so you'll need to install that first:

sudo apt-get install libnss3

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