Speaking as an individual, although some of the things that motivated me
to actually go ahead and ask this question knowing that it might spark
discussion were conversations I had as DPL.

Obviously this question is motivated by things that happened last year,
but I'm not asking about that situation, and the details of the question
I'm asking are intentionally different in ways that matter at least to

I am asking this question because in multiple conversations with members
of our community related situations have come up and I'd like to better
understand how we think we should approach disagreement in use of a
shared resource.

Imagine that I get a note from a random developer saying they have
removed my blog from planet.  I understand what they are saying enough
to believe it is not vandalism; they honestly believe I did something
wrong.  I can't understand from their message how they hope I'd fix it.

I cannot engage with them in what I think is a timely manner.

They copied the planet admins who have not gotten involved in the

What should I do?

1) Add the blog back myself, asking the person to appeal to the planet
admins if they still think my blog should not be present?

2) Ask the planet admins to respond to the situation and either help me
understand the problem or add my blog back.

In my mind the question pops up because we have two conflicting things.
It's not really clear that random developers should be removing blogs
from planet.  On the other hand planet is a shared service and if there
really is a critical issue, it's better to get it fixed.

However, revert wars are antisocial in and of themselves.


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