Hi Sam

On 2019/05/21 12:15, Sam Hartman wrote:
> Obviously this question is motivated by things that happened last year,
> but I'm not asking about that situation, and the details of the question
> I'm asking are intentionally different in ways that matter at least to
> me.

It's kind of hard to ignore that case in a discussion like this, because
a blog removal seems somewhat rare and that was a prominent case.

> I am asking this question because in multiple conversations with members
> of our community related situations have come up and I'd like to better
> understand how we think we should approach disagreement in use of a
> shared resource.

I think of Planet Debian than more as just a shared resource, it's a
window into the world of Debian developers from the world outside, it's
also a way for Debian developers to follow what's happening in each
other's lives, and it also provides a voice for those who use it.

That said, people associate Planet Debian with the Debian project
itself, and while it's fine for people to disagree with the Debian
project on their blogs that get aggregated, I think that it's important
that the content itself doesn't directly violate our core community
guidelines (CoC, diversity statement, etc).

> Imagine that I get a note from a random developer saying they have
> removed my blog from planet.  I understand what they are saying enough
> to believe it is not vandalism; they honestly believe I did something
> wrong.  I can't understand from their message how they hope I'd fix it.
> I cannot engage with them in what I think is a timely manner.
> They copied the planet admins who have not gotten involved in the
> conversation.
> What should I do?
> 1) Add the blog back myself, asking the person to appeal to the planet
> admins if they still think my blog should not be present?
> 2) Ask the planet admins to respond to the situation and either help me
> understand the problem or add my blog back.

Option number two seems like the entirely logical and reasonable
approach. If it seems that you've overstepped it doesn't seem like a
good idea to antagonize the admins any further, so I don't think that
just adding the blog back without any further feedback is every a good idea.

> In my mind the question pops up because we have two conflicting things.
> It's not really clear that random developers should be removing blogs
> from planet.  On the other hand planet is a shared service and if there
> really is a critical issue, it's better to get it fixed.
> However, revert wars are antisocial in and of themselves.

Debian developers shouldn't just remove a blog from planet without
justification, I think that should be codified in the planet
rules/guidelines somewhere.

If you make a bad upload, someone will be quick to point out to you
exactly which part of debian policy you've messed up and file an RC bug
against your package. Our community guidelines deserve to be on the same
standard, if a blog is removed from planet Debian, it makes sense that
there's at least a good reason for that, no?


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Debian Developer - https://wiki.debian.org/highvoltage
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   https://debian.org | https://jonathancarter.org
  ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀  Be Bold. Be brave. Debian has got your back.

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