Adrian Bunk <> writes:

> My biggest high level concern is the income side, since this is the most
> difficult part and will likely also be the most controversial one.

I could well be entirely wrong, but the part that I would expect to be the
most controversial is that, once Debian starts spending project money to
pay people to do work that other people in the project are doing for free,
the project is doing a form of picking winners and losers.  We're deciding
as a project that some people's work is valuable enough to pay for and (by
omission if nothing else) other people's work is not, and for all the good
intentions that we have going in, there are so many ways for this to go

If we're only hiring people from *outside* the project, not each other,
maybe that avoids the worst of the problems, but it's still an odd
dynamic.  For example, it creates a perverse incentive for someone to
resign from the project so that they can be paid for the work they're
currently doing as a volunteer.

I'm particularly concerned what will happen if something goes wrong: we
pay someone to do additional work and that work isn't up to the quality
standards that we need.  Now what?  If that person is also a Debian
Developer, we have now introduced an aspect of job performance feedback
into a volunteer community.  While doubtless there are Debian Developers
who are also managers in their day jobs, that's not something anyone is
currently doing *in Debian*.  Managing feedback and consequences for poor
performance is a skill that we are not currently exercising and that is
not trivial to learn.

These problems generally go away with externally-funded initiatives such
as LTS.  In that case, even when Debian Developers are involved, it's
clear that the person with the money is making contract and hiring
decisions, is the person who can decide to fire someone from that contract
if they don't like the work being done, and any decisions made there are
entirely separate from one's ongoing Debian work as a volunteer.  People
still have to decide what they're willing to do for free and what they
want to be paid for, but it helps a lot that LTS is scoped to one specific
problem and has resources such that, if everyone else decides they're not
willing to do LTS support for free, the initiative still survives.  It
also helps considerably that LTS was something we as a project had decided
not to do with pure volunteer resources, so it's a pure incremental on top
of project work.

Maybe we can find more things like LTS that are pure incrementals over
what the project is currently doing, but I'm pretty worried about the
social dynamic of paying people to do core project work that others are
currently doing for free.

I assume the above is the sort of thing that Sam is referring to when he
says that we need to have a higher-level discussion if we're going to
pursue this idea.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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