On Tue, Jul 02 2019, Jonathan Carter wrote:

> On 2019/07/02 11:26, Marc Haber wrote:
>> I do feel significantly less welcome in Debian since diversity /
>> antiharassment / policitcal correctnes / CoC came around the corner.
> How so regarding diversity/antiharassment/CoC? They do nothing to
> threaten or downgrade the importance of any Debian contributor.

If you look back in the Debian archives from 20 years ago, you'll find
that I often participated in conversations here.  Although I still read,
I post maybe a few times a year nowadays.  The reasons for that are
many, but one huge one is: I came to decide I didn't have time for
poisonous people anymore.  And such people, while a minority, were
particularly vocal and Debian historically gave them wide latitude.

I for one appreciate our increased concern for these issues.  Although I
personally never took such comments as an expression of unwelcome
towards me by the project as a whole, they significantly lowered the
cost-benefit calculation of participating in Debian conversations for
me.  (Honest disagreement is to be expected and welcomed; but
anti-social anger and trolling, not so much.)

It has been a hard slog for this project, because freedom in all its
manifestations is one of our values.  We have come to realize that
freedom to associate -- or not -- with people is also a freedom worth

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