El miércoles, 2 de enero de 2019 14:31:07 -03 Dmitry Shachnev escribió:
> Hi Adrian and Lisandro!
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 10:35:25PM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> > Hello!
> > 
> > Would it be possible that the patch from David [1] gets included in the
> > next upload with the dependencies adjusted in debian/control for the
> > affected architectures?
> > 
> > I know the patch isn't perfect, but it helps us unblocking the reverse
> > dependencies of qttools. Currently, I have manually build qttools with
> > the patch and re-upload every the Qt team uploads a new qttools version
> > which feels like a sisyphos task [2].
> What do you think of splitting qdoc into a separate package?
> This way the packages that need it might explicitly build-depend on that
> package and dep-wait instead of getting build failures on some
> architectures.
> Also we will be able to use the Architecture: field and a proper install
> file instead of this hack in debian/rules.

I like the idea. Please go ahead.
> If you want we can upload the patch as-is now and then do a follow-up upload
> to the NEW queue introducing the new package.

An upload to NEW due to a splitted package normally does not takes long to be 
processed, and we can ping ftp masters to check it if needed.
> (Or maybe we can add Provides: qt5-qdoc [arch1 arch2…] which should be the
> same with regards to Build-Depends: field of other packages. But I like
> splitting more.)

I prefer splitting too.

Mi experiencia me dice que lo que la gente quiere y necesita -en Indonesia, en
Turquía, en Italia, en los Estados Unidos, en Brasil, en la Argentina o donde
sea- es básicamente lo mismo. La gente quiere comida en la mesa, una vivienda
básica, un gobierno que funcione, que en las fuerzas de seguridad haya
personas confiables, a las que no tengan que tenerles miedo, educación y
salud. ¡La gente de todo el mundo quiere lo mismo!
  Padre Thomas Michel, jesuita, especialista en diálogo interreligioso,
  en una entrevista de Elisabetta Piqué para La Nación, 27/09/2006.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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