On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 09:19:01AM -0600, William Twomey wrote:
> One solution could be to have a folder called /etc/security/iptables 
> that contains files that get passed to iptables at startup (in the same 
> way /etc/rc2.d gets read in numeric order). So you could have files like 
> 22ssh, 23ftp, etc. with iptable rules in each file.

This is IMHO nonsence. Why to firewall ports where nothing listens?
This would not give you anything.

> You could also have 
> an 'ENABLED' variable like some files in /etc/default have (so that 
> ports wouldn't be opened by default; the user would have to manually 
> enable them for the port to be opened). 

Better way is just not start that daemon.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Ondrej 'SanTiago' Zajicek (email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
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