Am Freitag, 21. Dezember 2001 19:48 schrieb Matthias Fechner:

> header block 1 size: 0
> Detected MPEG-PS file format!
> VIDEO:  MPEG1  352x240  (aspect 12)  29.97 fps  1437.5 kbps (179.7
> kbyte/s)
> [V] filefmt:2  fourcc:0x10000001  size:352x240  fps:29.97 
> ftime:=0.0334 Detected audio codec: [mp3] drv:1 (MPEG layer-2,
> layer-3)
> mp3lib: Processor ID: 52c
> mp3lib: Using Pentium optimized decore.
> AUDIO: srate=44100  chans=2  bps=2  sfmt=0x10  ratio: 28000->176400
> Can't find codec for video format 0x10000001 !
> *** Try to upgrade /root/.mplayer/codecs.conf from etc/codecs.conf
> *** If it's still not OK, then read DOCS/codecs.html!
> *** free_stream() called ***

Und was steht in deiner /root/.mplayer/codecs.conf ?
Hast Du die codecs.conf aus dem Sourcetree von mplayer mal copiert?

Bei mir steht da (unter anderem):
videocodec divxds
  info "DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)"
  comment "with postprocessing"
  status working
  fourcc MP43,mp43 div3   ; fourcc mapping to div3
  fourcc DIV5,div5 div3
  fourcc DIV6,div6 div4
  fourcc DIV3,div3,DIV4,div4
  driver dshow
  dll ""
  guid 0x82CCd3E0, 0xF71A, 0x11D0, 0x9f, 0xe5, 0x00, 0x60, 0x97, 0x78, 
0xaa, 0xaa
;  out YV12
  out YUY2
  out BGR32,BGR24,BGR16,BGR15

videocodec divx
  info "DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)"
  status working
  fourcc MP43,mp43 div3   ; M$ MPEG4 v3   (fourcc mapping to div3)
  fourcc DIV5,div5 div3   ; DivX 3.20
  fourcc DIV6,div6 div4   ;   -||-
  fourcc DIV3,div3,DIV4,div4
  driver vfw
  dll "divxc32.dll"
  out YUY2 yuvhack
  out BGR32,BGR24,BGR15

videocodec odivx 
  info "OpenDivX (MPEG-4 v2)"
  comment "with postprocessing"
  status working
  fourcc DIVX,divx
  fourcc DIV1,div1 divx
  format 0x4
  driver odivx
  dll "opendivx decore"
  out YV12

Du lässt mplayer als root laufen?



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