> fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed

Hallo Albert,

Auszug aus FAQ von fetchmail:

R1. Fetchmail isn't working, and -v shows 
   `SMTP connect failed' messages.
  Fetchmail itself is probably working,
   but your SMTP port 25 listener
   is down or inaccessible.
   The first thing to check is if you can
   telnet to port 25 on your smtp
   host (which is normally `localhost'
   unless you've specified an smtp
   option in your .fetchmailrc or on the 
   command line) and get a greeting
   line from the listener. If the SMTP host
   is inaccessible or the listener is down,
   fix that first.

Also telnet localhost 25
wenn's nicht klappt dann in /etc/services:
smtp            25/tcp          mail

Ansonsten langsam durch R1 der FAQ durchackern
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