Hi Andreas,

Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> Ich suche eine Postscriptseite die mir die Menge des RAMs im Drucker
> (Postscript-Drucker!) anzeigt. Gibs das? Wo?

Die dvips-Doku sagt:

The value num is the virtual memory available for fonts and strings
in the printer. Default is 180000. This value must be accurate if
     conservation and document splitting is to work correctly. To
determine this value, send the following file to the printer: 

     %! Hey, we're PostScript
     /Times-Roman findfont 30 scalefont setfont 144 432 moveto
     vmstatus exch sub 40 string cvs show pop showpage

     Note that the number returned by this file is the total memory
free; it is often a good idea to tell dvips that the printer has
somewhat less memory. This
     is because many programs download permanent macros that can
reduce the memory in the printer. In general, a memory size of about
`300000' is
     plenty, since dvips can automatically split a document if
required. It is unfortunate that PostScript printers with much less
virtual memory still exist.
     Some systems or printers can dynamically increase the memory
available to a PostScript interpreter, in which case this file might
return a ridiculously
     low number; the NeXT computer is such a machine. For these
systems, a value of one million works well. 

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