Hmm..., I'll try it once more because I can't beleive that nobody can
give me a hint...

--- Begin Message ---

in the syslog file I repeatedly find the following messages:

Jun  8 08:19:40 wrpc3 smbd[8296]: [2001/06/08 08:19:40, 0] 
Jun  8 08:19:40 wrpc3 smbd[8296]:   check_log_size: open of debug file 
/var/log/smb failed - using console.

The file /var/log/smb has the following attributes:

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      1024067 Jun  6 12:14 smb

(Thus being writable for smbd!?)

The concerning entry in smb.conf is:

        max log size = 1000

(obviously just exceeded)

I run Debian Potato with

ii  samba          2.0.7-3.3      A LanManager like file and printer server fo 
ii  samba-common   2.0.7-3.3      Samba common files used by both the server a 
ii  samba-doc      2.0.7-3.3      Samba documentation. 
ii  swat           2.0.7-3.3      Samba Web Administration Tool

Samba runs as a daemon, not via inetd -- could there be a coherence?

Waiting for a hint...

Thanks in advance,

Hubert Palme         Bergische Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal
                                      Computing  Center
                                      D-42097 Wuppertal
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             (Germany)

--- End Message ---
- can someone explain me the mechanism how smbd/nmbd rename their

- How else can I interpret the error message? (The permits of the file
  seem to be OK)

- What if I run smnd/nmbd via inetd? Are the files ever renamed then?

- Could there be a bug that smbd keeps the file open and thus cannot
  "re"open it? And how to ship around then? 

That's all very strange...

Thanks in advance,

Hubert Palme         Bergische Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal
                                      Computing  Center
                                      D-42097 Wuppertal
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             (Germany)

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