I know I could use LBA mode.  I originally used LBA mode for months but
noticed a couple of possible problems.  I say possible since I can't prove
they were caused by using LBA mode.

1.  My drive seemed to fill faster as if the files were using more space
than they should have.  I have the same install using 450MB that was using
almost 600 in LBA mode.

2.  After about 4 months in LBA mode programs began to report missing
files.  When I checked manually the files were there.  And I started
getting reports of the file system being out of sync.

As I said.  I don't know if it was LBA causing these problems but I
haven't had it happen since I went back to normal mode.

Has anybody else noticed this?  Or does anybody know for sure LBA didn't
cause this.  If so I could just switch back to LBA mode and forget it.

Thanks to all for the help.

On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, A. M. Varon wrote:

> On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Rick Jones wrote:
> > I'm reposting this since I haven't gotten any responses yet.  Any ideas
> > would be greatly appreciated.
> If your motherboard is new, you could turn on lba in the bios of your
> computer.
> Linux has no problems accessing my 2.0 gb. EIDE harddisk.



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