The problem with that, is that it was turned off.  
I have used Linux for 2 years now.  I always used normal mode with 0
problems.  This one time I decided to use LBA I got these problems.  It
did take months of use though.  But it started as an error here and there
and in the end the system was on the verge of being totally unusable.

Now I have 0 problems.  Go figure.

On Sun, 27 Apr 1997, A. M. Varon wrote:

> hi,
> The problem is not with LBA. Few months ago i recieve error messages in my
> server concerning the 2 gb.EIDE harddisk. What i did was to turn off some
> stuff in the bios. like turning off ide 32 bit access, ide hdd block mode,
> etc. i've heard linux does'nt use it anyway because linux uses it's own
> driver. 
> After that, syslog does'nt report any problems with the harddisk.
> Hope this helps,



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