On 21 Jul 1997, Ben Gertzfield wrote:

> >>>>> "Chad" == Chad D Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Chad> Just added another IRC network to the #debian channel net.
>     Chad> We currently have Undernet , Linpeople and EFNet linked
>     Chad> together through Bots.  Giving people on one irc network
>     Chad> access to help from the other irc networks.
> Until about 3 days ago, I'd been sitting on the #Debian channel every
> day, all alone, on EFnet. But then a bunch of warez d00ds came and
> took it away.

right now, we have 3 debian people have bots there now.  One is an op,
gona up the channel linker too.  going to add some channel protection
support to the one bot to to keep it in debian user hands.  Right now 8
people in the channel.
> I don't know if we're going to get anything interesting off of EFNet's
> #Debian; I was there every day for about 7 months and had maybe 4
> people who weren't interested in warez or porn come by.

Most are on linpeople.org or undernet.org .. hate switching server so this

> -- 
> Brought to you by the letters Y and S and the number 3.
> "I don't want the world.. I just want your half." -- They Might Be Giants
> Ben Gertzfield <http://www.imsa.edu/~wilwonka/> Finger me for my public
> PGP key. I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet and YiffNet IRC as Che_Fox.

Chad D. Zimmerman                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Southwest Technology Development Institute
New Mexico State University
HP: http://dabcc-www.nmsu.edu/~chad/
DBP: http://dabcc-www.nmsu.edu/~chad/Debian/

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