On Tue, 19 Aug 1997 07:29:11 PDT Kenneth Gaugler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
id.com) wrote:

> Yesterday I used the dselect/ftp method to upgrade my machine from
> Debian Linux 1.2 to
> 1.3.  The system is now running 1.3, but X doesn't work anymore.  
> "startx > /tmp/x.out 2>&1" 
> to capture the error messages at startup and came up with some things I
> have never seen before, like
> "error opening security policy file
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy"

Hmmm, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver points is a symlink to 
/etc/X11/xserver and /etc/X11/xserver contains SecurityPolicy. Both 
files are provided by xbase 3.3-3. Can you check for these files ?


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