On Fri, 26 Sep 1997, Tony Koehn wrote:

> I have never seen linux operate on any kind of graphical interface like
> Windows 95.  

You could use fvwm95.  Set up to look a lot like Win95 GUI.

> What GUI do most people use? 

Xfree86,  I would think ... the i386 implementation of Xwindows.  Not sure
about the most popular window manager,  but it's likely fvwm or fvwm2/95.

> How easy is it to install?
In debian?  "dpkg -i fvwm-*.deb" does it.  Then you can fuggle around a
bit with the .fvwmrc file (VERY easy to understand).  There is also a
debian-wide autoconfigurated menu system that lets an application add
itself to your mouse menus when it's installed;  I don't use it,  so I
don't know anything about it.

> Someone told me of a web site that had different GUI stuff for linux but I
> lost it.  Anyone have such a site?

Well,  KDE looks promising (www.kde.org),  but it's not out of alpha yet.


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