On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 01:31:54PM -0800, Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 21:54, criggie wrote:
> > On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:10:49 -0500
> > "Hubert Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > criggie> Certainly an OS/2 install could be useful, but the details
> > > that criggie> geeks like us find important are definitely far too
> > > esoteric criggie> for 15 y/os
> > 
> > > Huh?  *I* was about 15 yrs old when I started playing with OS/2.
> > 
> > You're a male - getting girls interested in anything outside anime/dbz,
> > $insert-boy-band-here, and chatting is enough of a task.  Most (not all
> > but most) haven't twigged to what a network is, even fundamentally.

Yeah, I've noticed that.  Every time I (accidently) say something
interesting and meaningful (to me, at least) during a youth group
meeting, everybody just looks at me like I'm sprouting antennae.

"ISP? What's that?"  Someone seriously asked me that.  "Computer
language?  You mean you're learning how to talk to computers?  How do
you talk to them?" *sigh*  Those quotes from the future of
America... *rolls eyes*

> Shopping. You forgot shopping.

Yeah, really.  I mean, how many pairs of brown, high-heeled sandals
can you have?  I'm a girl, I was 15 a couple of years ago, and I still
don't understand it.

> > Yes, there are exceptions, but generally the exceptions are too smart to
> > take computing at high school.
> Or pay attention to males.

Why do you say that?  I never found that to be true.  Usually we're
shy-- get beaten up enough times, you'd be shy, too.  Besides, there
are 3 types of 15-year-old guys-- the ones who hate nerds (all nerds,
that is; girls aren't let off the hook); the ones who are scared off by
girls who are slightly more intelligent  than average; and the guys
who are also somewhat more intelligent than average, but are so shy
that they can't put 2 words together when they're within 20 feet of a
girl.  Or at least, that was my experience; anyone else care to

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://www.2khiway.net/users/vroemer
Registered Linux user #2880021   http://counter.li.org/
"Just because you're not paranoid, that doesn't mean they're not out
to get you." (ripped from someone's slashdot .sig)
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