Subject: printing text
        Date: Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 03:29:05PM -0500

In reply to:Stephen E. Hargrove

Quoting Stephen E. Hargrove([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hash: SHA1
> i can print from wordperfect (the MS version running under win4lin and the
> linux version), but i can't print text documents from the command line,
> pine, etc.  Here's my /etc/printcap:
> lp:\
>         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\
>         :mx#0:\
>         :sh:\
>         :rm=\
>         :tr:\
>         :rp=:\
>         :if=/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter:\
>         :lpd_bounce=true:

Install the magicfilter package. On my remote printing systems I have
this printcap
lp|lp|Brother HL-10V:\

Note the if= line.  The filter, supplied with magicfilter, is
what you need.

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 Never trust a computer bigger than you can lift.

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