On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 05:07:49PM +0000, David Goodenough wrote:
> Well although I asked Google, I did not ask Google groups.  The problem
> is apparently that xkbdcomp does no error checking on the writes that it
> does, and thus fails to notice when you run out of disk space (as I did).
> Does anyone know which package contains xkbdcomp (I would normally
> use pacakges.debian.org but it is down) so that I can submit a bug?
> David


In 6.8 xkbcomp is in xbase-clients and I would assume that is the case
with 6.9 as well.

To check which package it belongs to, you should be able to do
$ dpkg -S xkbcomp

And as a bonus :) reportbug can find out the correct package, if you
submit a bug based on the filename. See `man reportbug` for deatils...

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