On Du, 08 mai 11, 16:48:43, AG wrote:
> >>
> >>>dpkg -l | grep resolvconf
> >>>rc  resolvconf
> >>>1.48                              name server information handler
> >
> Thanks all - learn something everyday: didn't know that is what rc
> referred to.

dpkg would tell you so if you wouldn't cut it's output with the 
construct 'dpkg -l | grep <pattern>' instead of 'dpkg -l pattern' ;)

$ dpkg -l resolvconf
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                          Version                       
in  resolvconf                                    <none>                        
    (no description available)

If you look at the pipes and slashes you can tell what each character 
means. In my case it's

Desired = Install
Status = Not

(hmm, this is curious, I'll have to investigate...)
> Anyway, purged those using Brian's dpkg method rebooted ... and
> still no resolv.conf file.
> So, Hans suggested that I delete the symlink to resolvconf, but
> resolvconf isn't installed.  However, since its config files are
> there I wonder if a symlink was created?
> Are there other options that might explain and remedy why the
> /etc/resolv.conf file is being erased at shutdown/ reboot.  It is
> definitely this file that is the critical piece here, because when
> ever I repopulate the file connectivity is restored.  How do I keep
> that file immutable? Will changing permissions help across
> shutdowns?

AFAIK that file should be managed by Network Manager (you mentioned you 
installed it), but are you using NM to connect or some other means?

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