
Jamie White wrote:
> The correct unsubscribe procedue is [...]

I am very sure that the protest raising people are _not_ subscribed
to debian-user@lists.debian.org . If they are real at all, then they
got spam with our list as fake sender or as fake receiver of replies.

If ever, then this is the story to tell the senders.
(Or maybe a hint to look for malware on their computers.)


I wonder about the motivation behind that recent spam annoyance.

Not that i would dislike modern french poetry. I don't get the fun in
the dutch stuffi, though. Generally it would help the archives if that
spam could be dropped on the first hand.

If the senders are real, then they got our mailing list address from
fake headers in the mails to which they reply. After all we do not
see the alleged original messages on our list.

But the "leave me alone" mails mostly look as fake as those original
messages. (Can real people be that stupid ? Is this the proof for
brain damage caused by mobile phones ?)

I see two common patterns:

Many of the spams bear links to "http://bit.ly/"; or "http://bitly.com";.

Many of them reveal by what kind of device the mobile victim replied
or is pretented to have replied:
"Sent from my Wiko RAINBOW UP 4G"
"Envoyé à partir de mon Windows Phone" (aka Doppeldeppendevice)
"Envoyé depuis mon appareil mobile Samsung"
"Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad"
"Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon"
"Verzonden vanaf mijn Samsung Galaxy-smartphone."
"Envoyer de Huawei Y360"
"Envoyé depuis un mobile Samsung"
"Envoyé depuis mon smartphone Samsung Galaxy."
"Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone"

Maybe our list's spam filter could give such phrases a spam rating
sufficent to drop them if the sender is not subscribed ?

Have a nice day :)

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