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On Sat, Jul 08, 2017 at 05:13:20PM +0200, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> Jamie White wrote:
> > The correct unsubscribe procedue is [...]
> I am very sure that the protest raising people are _not_ subscribed
> to debian-user@lists.debian.org . If they are real at all, then they
> got spam with our list as fake sender or as fake receiver of replies.

That's my hunch, too. Either someone has managed to force-subscribe
them to the list (how? they must somehow control their mail address,
or they have found a gap in Debian's ML manager), or the senders
are fake. But then... *what* are they doing?

> I wonder about the motivation behind that recent spam annoyance.

Me too :-/

> But the "leave me alone" mails mostly look as fake as those original
> messages. (Can real people be that stupid ? Is this the proof for
> brain damage caused by mobile phones ?)

(1) they can. (2) perhaps.


> Maybe our list's spam filter could give such phrases a spam rating
> sufficent to drop them if the sender is not subscribed ?

By experience, such patterns don't persist for long enough to be
worth the hassle of piling up yet another rule which quickly becomes
obsolete. But if it persists...


> Have a nice day :)

Likewise :)

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