On 21.07.18 10:42, Richard Owlett wrote:
> P.S. I've saved ~6 years of useful posts from this group. I've been trying
> to figure out how to organize it in order to create a QWSBFA rather than a
> FAQ. QWSBFA=="Questions Which Should Be Frequently Asked" ;/

There are so many paths that people have trodden, and so many levels of
expertise, that survival notes are somewhat individualised, I figure.

How best to manage it probably depends on your vintage. Over three
decades I've accumulated ~ 420 pages of *nix user & sysadmin, embedded
programming, and text munging notes. With folding enabled, Vim presents
the single plain text file as one page - the table of contents. Headings
are capitalised, and a ':' follows keywords (also capitalised). A search
hit automatically unfolds to the fold level required. It's simple, easy
to manage, and fast - but most importantly, my fingers know Vim.

Stuff from technical lists which doesn't make it to the survival notes,
i.e. the few % of posts worth keeping, are sorted on first reading to
topic-specific mailboxes. Tonight there are:

$ ls -1 mail/* | wc -l


$ ls -1 mail/cnc* | wc -l

are LinuxCNC-related. (Gene's favourite hobby.) Even with automated
search, it's a lot easier to look for one keyword in a hundred posts
from a single context, than try to make keyword combinations which will
fight off out of context hits in a hundred thousand posts.

> OWL ducks fer cover ;}

Hopefully owl ducks make good cover.


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