On 7/2/19 4:30 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> A restatement of my question might be:
> I run the i386 version of Debian 9.8.
> Using only contents of that set of installation DVDs, I wish to use a VM
> host capable of running multiple VM guests. Although the guests will be
> running in command line mode, the host should have a GUI.
> What choice metapackages provide that function?

You have your answer already in previous emails.

The Wiki provides a list of software capable of turning Debian into a VM
host [1]. They include full hardware virtualization such as Qemu,
containers such as Docker, and pseudo-virtualization such as Schroot.
Its up to you to determine which one best suits your needs, as all of
these VM host programs can do what you want.


To determine *which* installation DVD contains one of these programs,
you will need to look at the individual wiki page for each VM host
program, see which package or packages you need, and check the DVD .list
files to see which DVD contains that package [2]. You should also be
aware that each package may have untold number of dependencies, so I
suggest you look at each individual package [3], figure out the
dependencies, and then figure out which dvd those dependencies are on.

    2: https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/release/current/i386/list-dvd/
    3: https://packages.debian.org/

Is this a lot of work? Yes.

Normally I would recommend VirtualBox for its ease of use, but
Virtualbox is *not* found on the installation DVDs.

Depending on your hardware, native virtualization might not even be
possible. I suggest consulting your CPU manufacturer to determine if it
is. If you are using an Intel CPU, you can visit their product page to
see if it supports VT-x [4]. I can't speak for AMD CPUs or other brand
CPUs, though it should be revealed in the output of lscpu

    4: https://ark.intel.com

If native virtualization is not available, you may be required to use a
container or a pseudo-virtualization option.


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