On 20-06-2020 12:57, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Weaver wrote: 
>> I think it's possible to get too politically correct.
> Try this phrase:
> "I think it's possible to get too polite."

No, there's no value in twisting words.
The wrong connotation gets promoted.

> I suppose that's true -- if your object is to insult someone.

No insult was intended or implied.
You prefer to see it way.

>> Why are we attaching a concept like skin colour to list names as a
>> serious proposition?
> Exactly. Since it doesn't matter to you, why not be polite?

See how you've created a straw man to tear down by adjusting the
Obviously it does or I wouldn't have posted.
I always ask questions and never impose my standards on others.
See the difference?

`Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful'.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

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