On Mon, 2020-06-22 at 12:22 +0100, Liam O'Toole wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun, 2020 at 10:53:46 +0200, Lucio wrote:
> > Il 22/06/20 10:05, elvis ha scritto:
> > > Somewhere on your system maybe /usr/share/vim  or in /etc that default
> > > colour scheme is defined or linked to a real colour scheme. Find it.
> > 
> > I couldn't find the link, but I found /usr/share/vim/vim81/colors directory,
> > that contains only 19 colorschemes: not that hard to bruteforce after all.
> > I've tried all of them one after the other and I finally found "ron" to be
> > the real default one, despite "colorscheme default" not loading "ron"...
> > 
> > Why "colorscheme default" doesn't load the real default, or why the real
> > default goes by the name of "ron" and "default" is a non-default choice, is
> > beyond me: maybe Debian exhausted the symlinks pool, so renaming the
> > "default" file as "classic" or something and symlinking "default" to "ron"
> > would have broken the whole system, but it doesn't really matter anymore...
> > problem solved, thanks for your help.
> > 
> I think what happened is that when you set the default colour scheme
> interactively a light background was assumed. That's why you get less
> contrast in your second screenshot. If you subsequently do ':set
> bg=dark' it should look like the first screenshot.

Hmmmm, I (Debian Buster) ran bg=dark, and then 'colorscheme ron' and now
I have no colors.  er, Thanks!

-Jim P. 

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